2 – Barnham to Arundel

A 6 mile linear walk from Barnham rail station to Arundel rail station in West Sussex, forming the second stretch of the Sussex Hospices Trail. The route heads north across flower farms and arable fields to reach Walberton, home of The Sussex Snowdrop Trust, before continuing through woodland and arable fields to reach Arundel where you will have chance to explore the cathedral and castle. You will enjoy a charming village, enchanting woodlands and a lovely stretch of the River Arun along the way. The return leg can be completed with a single 10 minute train journey.


The walking route from Barnham to Arundel has just gentle slopes for the most part, plus one steeper climb within Arundel. The paths across farmland and through woodland can be very muddy at times so stout boots are recommended (or wellingtons with grips in the wet winter months). There are a few road crossings that need care and one stretch of the route also crosses a golf course so please show respect for the golfers by allowing them to play their shots before you cross and look out for any stray flying golf balls. You will need to negotiate some steps and several kissing gates (some of which are tight so be prepared to breathe in!) but there are no stiles on route. Toilets are available at the rail stations at each end and if you are looking for refreshments there are several shops and pubs in Barnham, Walberton and Arundel. Allow 3 hours.


Accessing the Trail

There are several ways to follow the Trail!

On paper

You can download and print the PDF leaflet for your walk at the top of this page. These include turn-by-turn directions, photos and a simplified map. For extra safety, we recommend that you carry an Ordnance Survey map of the area too.

On an app

The walks can be found on the free AllTrails App. They are already downloaded and the directions are in the section called Waypoints.

This version of AllTrails will work as long as there is an internet (3G/4G) signal.

Note: within the AllTrails App you have the option to pay a subscription to upgrade to AllTrails Pro. This gives you the ability to follow the guides without using any internet data in areas where there is no 3G/4G coverage.

On a GPS device

If you have a Garmin or another GPS-based App e.g. the Ordnance Survey App, you can download the GPX File for your chosen walk from our website to use on these devices. (Please note that the GPX Files are for personal use only and must not be published on any other platform)